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There Once was a Man from Nantucket

View Round the World on shoestring's travel map.

Nantucket is a small island near Martha's Vineyard, off the coast of Cape Cod. It's a two-and-a-quarter hour ferry ride from Hyannis, where our hostel's located, and yesterday we made the trip over. Martha's Vineyard was cheaper to get to but we'd heard it was rather overdeveloped. Besides, we hoped to meet the famous man from Nantucket.


The island was once a whaling port - immortalised in Moby Dick - and we spotted several whales in unexpected places.



Nowadays it's a community of some 10,000 people - with many more than that visiting in the summer. The quaint streets are filled with shops selling souvenirs.


And of course there are plenty of sea views.



As we wandered the island we had great fun composing limericks, only one of which is publishable here:

We wanted to visit Nantucket,
And thought we could cross in a bucket.
But our pail was too small,
And we were too tall,
So after it sank we said: 'Let's get the ferry!'

Posted by shoestring 12:29 Archived in USA Tagged sea boat beach island usa massachusetts nantucket

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Yes, dude that is very tame. I can think of a few rhyming lines but as rightly said may be unprintable. I'm sure your limerick had a different ending but may have been rather rude.
It looks very quaint there. The lighthouse looks on the tilt.
I'm surprised that there isn't a very large statue to commerorate the famous Moby Dick

by nessie noodles

What a waste of rhyme! :) I like the sentiment though. X

by tim

I know!!!
I have been thinking, dangerous.Here is a little one i've made up also. Here goes:
The once was a man from Nantucket who tripped and got his head stuck in a bucket
He tried with all his might but it was stuck tight
In the end he politely yelled Oh (****** )dash it

by nessie noodles

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