A Travellerspoint blog

On Liberty

View Round the World on shoestring's travel map.

Our day started early yesterday - we'd booked ourselves onto a 10am ferry to see the Statue of Liberty up close and personal.


From the Liberty Island there are great views looking back to Manhattan.


The ferry returned to New York via Ellis Island where, between 1892 and 1954, over 12 million immigrants entered the US. The Great Hall, now restored to how it would have appeared at the time, is where immigrants waited for interviews.


Back in Manhattan, we took a stroll down Wall Street.


There were particularly large numbers of people on the streets - many of the office blocks had been evacuated due to aftershocks from an earthquake in Virginia. We got to rub shoulders with some of the Masters of the Universe.


Not far away is the World Trade Center. There was feverish activity all around the site as new buildings rise up from the ground and the memorial is readied for the tenth anniversary of 9/11 next month.


One World Trade Center - originally known as the Freedom Tower - is currently at over half its eventual height. When complete it will be the tallest building in the US and the third tallest in the world.


Posted by shoestring 06:12 Archived in USA Tagged street statue new york world usa center wall freedom liberty ground zero trade

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It looks a brilliant place to go.I bet the atmosphere was buzing around Wall street and around ground zero. Amazing that they are building a massive replacement building, they are immense in stature and height.
Which exactly of the masters of the universe did your rub shoulders with? Were they swinging or floating about.
I bet it was a bizarre experience with aftershocks,stay safe,a bit unerving. XX

by nessie noodles

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