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A Trans-Siberian Diary: Day 4


Day four already! We're over half way through our voyage.

As local time deviates more and more from Moscow time, things are getting a bit confusing. We're eating breakfast when we wake, then lunch when we're hungry, then dinner when the sun starts to set, but since it's only 5.30pm on our watches it seems simultaneously too early and too late.

The landcape has become more wooded, and we've passed through some areas whose main industry appears to be logging. The smell of wood smoke has permeated our compartments. It's been much brighter - and warmer - than yesterday too.


For lunch we bought a couple of meat pastries from the hawkers who appear at most stations when the train stops. They were not the freshest, and we feared we may have made a potentially uncomfortable mistake, but there have been no side effects so far. The hawkers aren't cheap - we paid over £3 for a bottle of water and a Sprite - but then we don't really have a great deal of choice.


Posted by shoestring 08:41 Archived in Russia

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