A Travellerspoint blog

Where's Wally? Part 3


Wally has returned - although if you look closely you will notice he has had a sex change!

Posted by shoestring 07:17 Archived in China

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I just had a call from HRH Prince Philip who is avidly following your blog and he suggested that your headline should have read "Where's worry" (as in sorry apparently). I know, I'm as outraged as you are but you know how it is with HRH and his inappropriate gaffes. At least he didn't mention the observation that Kazza is developing 'slitty eyes' as in your earlier photo!

by Popsy

Nice to see committment to the cause and equally shared. I think maybe the Chinese may have seen the wonder of Where's Wally and you trying to create new scenes and thought maybe i'll get a piece of this, maybe even thought you were famous. Excellent!!! Much harder as you blend in to the background. Glad HRH is also following the cause and enjoying the regular blogs. Await for their input in to future blogs.

by nessie noodles

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