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A British Flavour

View Round the World on shoestring's travel map.

Our first stop today was Glenlyon-Norfolk School, where Karen worked during her gap year ten years ago. Although the students were on holiday there were several members of staff on site that she knew from her time there.


Victoria is the capital of British Columbia, and the British influence is very visible here. Even the weather has been similar to Britain - grey and overcast with drizzle.


The harbour is dominated by the Empress Hotel and the Parliament Buildings, both designed by British-born architect Francis Rattenbury. The Empress was completed in 1908, and is known for serving afternoon tea.


Slightly older than the Empress, the Parliament Buildings house the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia.


We were allowed to walk in and take a look around.


The coat of arms of British Columbia were on prominent display. It was quite surprising to learn that the arms were only granted in 1987.


Victoria even boasts a couple of British sweet shops. We popped into one for lemon bon-bons and rhubarb and custards.


Posted by shoestring 21:05 Archived in Canada Tagged buildings victoria hotel canada british columbia parliament empress

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I hope you told them they're called "sweets"! :)

by Tim

You mean you dragged poor Karen around the Parliament bulding but didn't take her for afternoon tea at the Empress? That's my boy....!

by Popsy

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