A Travellerspoint blog

Magical Mystery Tour

View Round the World on shoestring's travel map.

This morning started out grey and drizzly but we decided to stick to our plan of a ten-mile walk around the coast of the island, from where we're staying to Victoria's downtown. Thankfully before too long the clouds parted and we got some beautiful views.





Our destination for the evening was the Silver City Cinema to see the final Harry Potter film. We arrived an hour before it was due to start but there was already a long queue.


Some people took it very seriously.



With all the bespectacled cinemagoers Ben wished he'd brought his Where's Wally glasses.

And the film? Much better than the Deathly Hallows Part One. A solid four magic wands out of five.

Posted by shoestring 23:05 Archived in Canada Tagged boats sea victoria walk canada hike british columbia film harry cinema movie potter

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Ah you see,the glasses have many uses. XX

by nessie noodles

nessie noodles you do make me laugh!! I love Victoria thats where we went surfing & saw bears, not at the same time though,lol! have fun xxxx

by lisa & kev

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